2022 Fields Medal Winners: June Huh

2022 Fields Medal Winners: June Huh
“I… wander in the geometric realm of my imagination.”


Korean-born United States mathematician June Huh first aspired to a career in poetry so he could ‘express the inexpressible. I eventually learned that mathematics is a way of doing that,’ he says.

Huh, a 2022 Fields Medal winner for his contributions to combinatorics, credits family and an extensive network of colleagues for giving him ‘the freedom that I could not imagine before.’

 ‘In some mysterious way, we are connected to each other,’ he says, ‘and we grow from that connection.’
One in a series. See more of the project here.

Filmed, written, co-produced and edited by Lance Murphey. Produced by John Hubbell. Illustration written and supervised by Kolin Pope of Chicago Winter Co. Illustration by Veronyka Jelinek. Music by Jonathan Kirkscey. Philip Yam, Executive Producer. 

Clients: International Mathematical Union, Simons Foundation